Monday, January 18, 2010

The Shroud

Remember? That is the name SHusband gave his enclosure for his wheelchair lift out front. And, here are some pictures.

It works so well now that it is covered from the elements on three sides, as will be SH when he uses it.

And, the other thing that I am excited about is that I not only took these pictures with my new cell phone, but I was able to send them to my e-mail account! What fun technology is! But I should have been washing my kitchen floor today instead, if truth be told.

As Scarlett said "Tomorrow is another Day"


Margaret Hall said...

Good morning, Sally....
Oh, it is just me, back to say hello and check on your blog post for the day~!
Indeed, tomorrow is the day for the stuff that we sure don't wanna' do today!!...I like your pics of the Shroud...They are quite clear for a cell phone picture...Good job!

sally said...

Hi Mary, welcome to my blog. Just checked yours out, and very nice reading and pix too. Isn't the web great!