He was a kind man our Brother-in-law Bud. Now, he is at peace, living in the good life's reward that he strived for on Earth.
His 81 year stay here ended on June 30th, surrounded by his devoted wife and 5 loving children.
He was always willing to do for others, with a smile, never a complaint, never a criticism, always wanted to make things good for all. He worked full time, and also owned/managed apartment buildings, did all the work, remodeling units often, with his dependable wife working at his side. He built two of his houses, and said he was going to stay in the last one until he died, shy just a few days at the end, he achieved that.
He shared all the work that he could with his adoring wife, especially during big family meals, he was known for many special dishes, but the one that I am reminded of was his Carrot Cake. I was always proud of my carrot cake, proud until I tasted his, then I stopped making mine-no comparison to his.
He was calm, never heard him raise his voice-except to sing-Imagine him singing to his wife on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. All present knew what a difficult challenge that was for him since Alzheimer's Disease had already invaded his mind. But he did a beautiful job, and as the tears came to his eyes, the applause of those watching wrapped him in their hug of support.
He was a CAR man, loved old cars, owned many, told so many stories from way back to the 40's of his car purchases and adventures driving all over. He was the best man at our Wedding, and he drove us around in his 1953 Hudson Hornet that day. I felt like a Queen from an earlier era.
He was also the oldest son in his family, so that extended family surely feels the loss of this leader.
Because my SHusband's father died when he was 15, Bud took over all the responsibilities of upkeep and remodeling this house that we live in. Every room has his touches in it.
Bud and his Sweetheart loved traveling, and that was their gift to each other. On their last trip to Hawaii, he snuck away, and walked all over to find some material that he purchased and surprised her with when they came home. She had said she wanted to make some Hawaiian tablecloths to remember their trip, and could not find the right material when they were out together.
SH bought every car but our last one from him because he also had a garage for car repairs and sales.
Sounds like many different lives doesn't it? He made it all work, and in the process, BUILT a church with his brothers-the actual building from the ground up, then he stayed on as a Trustee for many years. For many years he, along with two other men cooked a Mother's Day Lunch for over 100 women in town. Soup to desserts, never complaining, he just thought it should be done.
SH said his SMother was very happy that his SSister married Bud, because he was always the most considerate man, opening doors, being respectful and considerate of others.
It was an honor to know him, and a privilege to Love him.
Here is a story of their love:
I Wanna Be a Soprano!
2 months ago
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