Here are few pictures from May:

Me and my SDaughter, I brought her some lilacs from my fairly new bush, and put them on the car dash so that I would not forget to give them to her. While in having lunch, the sun moved to the dash and whitered away the beautiful French Lilacs. But she smiled anyway. We both have May birthdays

Mother's Day: Me, SD, SS-I-Law (SD's stepmother)
and SD's Mother-in-law to be-they are all generous and kind Ladies to me. All but the lady on the right have May birthdays-but she is right on the cusp in June.We had our "Ladies Lunch" in May, and the Sweethearts above with me were joined by the sweetie below who scampered out before we got our picture taken She was on her way to Washington D.C. to attend a Venetian masked ball at the Italian Consulate. We live through her and her adventures!
At SGrandson's May birthday party-we watched the Celtic singers- a bunch of good looking Irish boyos. Do you see SD's sig other-he put up with the ladies watching it twice.
Hey, it was raining, he couldn't run outside.
And here is the cuttin' O' the cake, with the knife pulled out by SGs SGrandma Ellie. She was next in line for her birthday, so she got to do the honors.
Cake, design as requested. Good job TOPS Markets.
In May, SHusband received this quilt from my SSister#2, far away. Her daughter and grandson/my SNiece and SNephew also have May birthdays.
When I put it on him, you know who had to stay tucked in.
She did a beautiful job sewing this, as always.
Hey, see that thing near SH's head? It is actually a brace/bar thingy that fits under the end of the couch and when he wants to get up from the couch, he pulls on this for some help-it works,
so if you have someone you know who needs a little bit of help-
we got this one at our local medical supply store-they ordered it from a catalog, it is called a couch brace.
Our cherished SGrandson.
Opening presents at his party, Soaking wet after a bit of water gun play with his friends in the rain.

And because it just looks so pretty, here is another picture of that cake from the lunch with my SDFriend when we celebrated both of our birthdays.
Also in May, we have two Wedding Anniversaries from our Generation 3 kids.
The service organization that we belong to Kiwanis International had a very busy month
of service projects and meetings, feels good to do these projects, feels better to be finished for the month.
And, just so that the whole month is not one big celebration, SH got shingles last week and on the last day of May, my parked car was slammed into by a poor dear soul who thank God was not hurt.
That kinda put the frosting on the cake for May.
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