I know, I know, where have I been. Everywhere, no where, ups and downs. SO here is something beautiful to listen to as a present for you until I can do a proper post.
SHusband and I were searching for a "just right" prewedding song to have all attending listen to before the ceremony began. A few weeks before, I was driving the car, listening to WNED the classical station, when this song came on. SH was at home planting the Tulip Tree that I gave to him as a wedding gift. We wanted to plant it early so that he would be available to water it for a few weeks. We ran out of peat moss in the process, so I made a peat moss run. Found it, was returning home when I heard this beautiful meditation. I zoomed home, screeched to a halt and beckoned SH to quickly come listen, he did, and he caught the title. That night we went to Borders Books and Music, were able to order a tape of it and then made a copy for our master tape to be played before our wedding.
I hope you like it.
I Wanna Be a Soprano!
3 months ago
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