Click above and you can see what I am singing in my head, here is the first verse:
I'm back in the saddle again
Out where a friend is a friend
Where the longhorn cattle feed
On the lowly gypsum weed
Back in the saddle again
Thanks for checking in, and the picture on my header is my looking-forward all-year-to seeing-it-bloom Magnolia Tree. We have had early, high, record breaking temps here, buds are budding, grass is greening, but they say we might get a bit of seasonal weather soon, so these Magnolia buds might not make it to open fully, I am enjoying them now, can not plan on tomorrow right?
(Just a reminder, when I put the letter"S" in front of a noun, it means SWEET is added to their title. EX: SH means SweetHusband)
You might be wondering why I was not blogging, when you know how much I like to do this stuff! Well, here it is: blah, blah, herniated disc, blah blah, facada kidney stone, blah, blah, are you kidding me, another stone???? blah, blah, now this is way too much, a third stone?, blah, blah, helping SHusband and a SFriend to write a book on deadline, blah, blah, Kiwanis activities and makeup work to do for same, see above which put me so far behind, raking leaves, cleaning flower beds, blah, blah, wind knocked out of me due to a SFriend's major health problems-it seemed so trivial to blog about nothing at the time.
Is is possible to miss people that I have never met? Is it possible to think that maybe they missed my musings? Is it possible to forget how much I received back from you and how much I enjoyed sharing? Yes to all "for my part" as my SGrandma Julia Viviani used to say.
Speaking of SGV, I had lunch with SSister#1, SCousin and her Mom, SAunt yesterday. We celebrated SC's brithday, and also since we call ourselves "Julia's Girls", we celebrated SGV's March birthday also. SA, who is the keeper of all knowledge on the family due to her incredible memory, sat there and talked about the times of her youth, and because SGV told her so many details of the time before SA's birth and when she was a little girl, we really got to hear some lovely details of the days of Wine and Roses. A formal parlor with glass french doors, used only when company was invited in, a Victrola playing Caruso records, people dancing, cookies and wine being served. Can you visualize it? I can, seems incredible that those were the times that my SMom grew up in. SA also described the necessary chores that my SGV was required to do, including animal cleaning and dressing for meals, sausage making, pasta and bread making, and always serving whatever men needed to be fed or cleaned up after in this Italian home. These magical dancing times were not so much fun for SGV.
Did you ever want to go back in time? Something that I have always thought about, seeing what certain areas in town looked like when all the buildings were new and spending time with loved ones and asking them all the things that I wonder about now. I have no doubt that my time would include SGV, and then I could also visit with SMom. What a blessing that would be-her absence at the lunch table yesterday was so heavy for me-how could we talk about the past and not have her laugh and say..................
I Wanna Be a Soprano!
2 months ago
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