Sunday, October 21, 2012

Borrowed and fractured recipe.

I follow a blog written by a serene, thoughtful, intelligent woman.  Whenever I need a calm voice, I can read a few of her posts and things seem different. Today, she posted a recipe for Pumpkin Soup!  I decided to stop reading and make it.  Since I do not have cream in the fridge usually, I needed to add a cream element, so I added a can of cream of celery soup, and then added a cup of vegetable broth. The other change I made was to add some chopped up spinach/arugula at the last moment and to use a tad to top the bowl.  My apologies to the originator of the recipe-I am sure her version is so wonderful, but I had to make do with what I had.
Click here for her blog and the recipe, please read down a few posts  to get a sense of her calmness and wisdom:

my journey to mindfulness

I hope you enjoy the soup, in whatever way you cook the recipe.
I hope you have a calm  element in your life-be it a person, place or thing.  Sometimes just driving and seeing how things look at different times of the day are so fulfilling.  I was driving at 7:30 with SSon this morning, going past the same place that I took this picture the other evening
This morning, there was a light mist floating in the dips in the ground, a small  effect, but so pretty.  I told SS that it was a piece of a cloud, come down to kiss the earth.  He was not so awake, and not so caring about kissing clouds.  He was on his way to meet his father, have breakfast and go to cheer on the Buffalo Bills.  He would not be having a calm day, but it is the type of day he loves-so maybe the good vibes he gets from his day will be just as strong as if he read this wonderful blog that I referred you to.

And here is a nice piece to listen to while you eat your soup:

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