Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I DROID, therefore I AM. Or something profound like that. I decided not to buy an ipad, and selected a DROID instead. My former cell phone was slower than chalk on slate. I was given a preview of SDaughter's new phone today, and that did it for me.
So, a quick 90 facada minutes later, I was the proud owner of .25oz (estimated, no clothes) new toy. Someday I might even learn how to use it properly. I need a long lunch with SD so she can teach me in slo-mo. The salesman was very nice, and I made him show me the important stuff before I left. But in the car when I wanted to test out the GPS thingy, I realized that I did not know how to unlock the little darling. It worked out after a few tries, I was NOT going to go in and ask.

So, that is what I will be doing during the upcoming storm that is predicted starting tomorrow evening.

Here is my first picture-camera a must in my cell you know.

I thought it looked like Martian footprints in the snow-very weird. It was really a bunch of bunny footprints, after the wind blew the top layer of snow away. I am so multi talented that I managed to post this picture three times on facebook when trying to upload.

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