Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello Winter

Winter dropped by this morning, and it looks like for an extended stay. I needed to drive to downtown Buffalo this morning to pick up SSon and our poinsettia order. His Workshop sells them as a fundraiser, and since he can not bring a large box on the van, we always pick them and him up. As the weather started to get very nasty this morning, I called and arranged to pick them up two hours earlier than scheduled. It really was one of those white-knuckle drives, very slow, and limited visibility. Once I got to Transit Road, about a 15 minute drive usually, but today it was about 35 minutes, the snow turned to sleet, the streets were only wet, not snow covered. By the time I drove to SS's work, it was a little drizzle. His caseworker must have thought I was acting like chicken little when I said I wanted to come pick him up early due to bad weather. I am always thinking "what do people think of me?". That is a sign of my insecurities I guess.
This is driving home around noon. It is beautiful. I was going about 15mph with my 4 wheel drive on. We saw two cars in the same ditches that I was hoping not to end up in.
SS took this picture above.

This is our beautiful Plum Bush with decorations by God.

A view of our burning bush, and a nice snow hat on one of our rocks.

SS carrying in a box of poinsettias. He is wearing a Buffalo Sabres jacket that SBrother #2 just gave him. He really loves it.

Instead of our usual lunch date when we bring home the poinsettias and finish delivering them (not to my Matka this year...........), we stopped for takeout at Tim Horton's. Of course, by the time we got home, the hot coffee wasn't.
So please enjoy the beauty of the snow, from your window if possible. If you are driving, as I say to my kids, "There is only one of you, please be careful."

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