On the way to church tonight, SHusband casually pointed out a SUNDOG in the sky. I of course never heard of that, but when he showed it to me, I had to take a picture to share with you.
Isn't it too COOL! It is a halo around the sun formed by ice crystals, and it is not often seen. The vertical streak that looks like rainbow colors is what I am pointing out here. Wikipedia says it can be on either lateral side of sun, 22degrees away from sun. They have a picture there also if you google, and it shows the halo effect really great. Like if you drew a compass around the sun and along that edge can be a sundog-that last bit is neither my brainy SH nor WIKI, but just me trying to explain to my peeps.
Well, Sally, it just goes to show you that no matter what age I am..((older than dirt)) that I learn something new every single day...
I had never heard of it either...Very informative post and picture, thanks for taking the time to post it...
It is exciting to still learn isn't it! And lucky me, I have an in-house expert that loves to teach.
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